Barna – og fjölskyldustofa Equality work

Um okkur
Leikskólinn okkar hefur verið starfræktur frá árinu 1978 og dagskrá okkar byggir á nýhúmanískri hugmyndafræði. Leikskólinn Sælukot er fræðsluverkefni Ananda Marga samtakanna (WWD), sem voru […]

HVAÐ ER NÝHÚMANISMI? Nýhúmanismi er heildræn heimspekikenning útfærð af Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar í bók hans The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism (ISBN 81-7252-168-5) sem kom út […]

Ananda Marga
Ananda Marga hefur þróað þétt net kröftugra sjálfboðaliða í 160 löndum um heim allan. amfélagsverkefnið nær til neyðaraðstoðar, skóla, barnaheimila, læknastofa, flóttamannaaðstoðar, sjálfbærra samfélagsþróunarverkefna og […]
Develop and Learn Through Fun And Creativity
Play is far more powerful for children, however, than many parents realize. It’s actually the key to learning. Researchers and educators across the world have found that […]
Play is Our Brain’s Favourite Way of Learning
Play is far more powerful for children, however, than many parents realize. It’s actually the key to learning. Researchers and educators across the world have found that […]

Tips for better children care
Play is far more powerful for children, however, than many parents realize. It’s actually the key to learning. Researchers and educators across the world have found that […]